Apr 19, 2022

Small Business Basics

Updated: Mar 4

A common question we get from new business owners is "what do I need first?" Great question. When it comes to branding and marketing your business, there are a few initial essentials. Here are 6 things you'll need as a new business.


A lot of new businesses know they need a logo, but they don't quite understand why. It's important to have a visual image associated with your business to make it recognizable to potential customers. They are more likely to remember your business name when they see it in a logo.

Style Guide

Your brand isn't just your logo. It's the colors, fonts, creative styles and elements that are used throughout your marketing materials. That's why having a style guide as a reference when creating these materials is essential to keeping you on-brand.


It's a big investment, but having a customized URL to send people to will really up your game professionally. Not only will you look more professional, but it helps to have one location on the web where your customers can get all the information they need, make purchases, schedule appointments, etc.

Social Media

If you already have a personal account on Facebook, Instagram, etc., that's great, but setting up an account specifically for your business helps create an awareness and is a chance to establish your brand. Basically it's free marketing.

Business Cards

When you're first starting out, networking is so important. That's why having a tangible business card to distribute can be really helpful. There's been arguments that paper business cards are a thing of the past. Read our post on the topic to understand why we believe they are still relevant.


Professional photos are a chance to show off what you have to offer, whether it's product shots, a portfolio of your work, a gallery of your location or lifestyle photos representing your brand. Investing in some high-quality photography can make a big different in your marketing materials.

If you're starting a business or looking to level up your business professionally, we'd love to work with you to develop your new business essentials. Contact us to set up a free initial consultation and let's take your business to the next level!