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What Your Logo Colors Say About You

There's a lot to think about when creating a brand for your business. And when it comes to selecting colors, it's good to know what kind of message they could be transmitting to your audience. As a society we've learned to associate certain colors with specific ideas and feelings through our culture. So let's dive in to this rainbow of psychology.


Depending on the intensity of the shade, red can represent strong emotions such as passion, excitement or anger. It's the most eye-catching of the color spectrum so it also demands attention, which is why it's used often in the entertainment industry. Red is also a great color for restaurants because it's been known to stimulate the appetite.


Orange sends a message of youth and energy. It represents forward-thinking and innovation. That's why we often see orange used in tech brands. But orange is also very friendly and open, which is great for businesses who want to seem professional, but approachable.


The color of sunshine, we've always seen yellow as positive and optimistic. However, because yellow is also very attention-grabbing, it's used for warning signs and caution tape. So you have to be careful which message you're sending with your yellow. This can be controlled by other elements in your logo.


Over the years, the color green has taken on a variety of meanings. It has become the color associated with freshness, health, environmentalism and nature. So we see it in everything from recycling to outdoor activities, from food and beverage to pharmacies. However we must remember green is still associated with wealth and stability.


No matter the shade, blue is associated with trustworthiness, security, and professionalism. So we often see blue in corporate brands. It's also a calming color, which is why most medical logos use blue. It gives the audience a sense of assurance and peace. Blue is the most common color used in logos today.


The color purple can mean many things depending on the shade and hue. For centuries, purple has been used to represent royalty. So it's a color often used for high-end, luxury brands. Blueish purples tend to be used to represent spirituality and mysticism. Reddish purples convey a message of friendliness and playfulness.


Even more than purple, pink is seen as playful and youthful. We've begun to move away from the idea that pink is strictly a feminine color, and more brands are using pink to represent high-energy. The color is also commonly used to represent sex and sexuality. And lighter shades of pink can have a calming effect.


We use brown to communicate that something is earthy or natural. So we see the color used in several organic brands. We also see brown as a masculine color, which is why it's often used to brand men's products. And there are some very direct associations with brown such as branding for coffee, chocolate and beer.

Black and White

There's nothing more classic and versatile than black and white. Brands who stick with a simple black and white palette are seen as pure and honest. We also see black and white used to represent elegance and opulence. And as minimalism continues to spread in the world of design, so does the use of this palette.

So what about your logo? Are you using the right colors in your brand? Of course there are several other factors that play a role in the message your logo communicates. That's why 2nd Story has helped many businesses create a brand to represent them well. And we'd love to do the same for you. So contact us and let's take your logo to the next level!


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