Sep 13, 2022

Business Blog Ideas

Last week we gave you some great reasons to start a blog for your business. Click here if you missed it. This week we have some blog ideas to get you started. Here are 10 blog ideas for your business.

Tips and Tutorials

Show you're an expert in your field by sharing either a list of tips on a specific topic or a step by step tutorial on how you do what you do.

Success Stories

Write about a recent product you've created or a project you've completed. Share photos of the process and the outcome.

Business Backstory

Talk about the history of your business - how it originated, the process of starting and growing the business, and share some of your plans for the future.

News and Updates

Give your customers the inside scoop on what's new and upcoming in your business, whether it's a new product you're selling, new service you're offering, or any changes within your business.

Employee Profiles

If you have employees, this is a great way to make them feel appreciated and tell your followers who helps keep your business running.


Let your customers speak for you. Ask them to write a review of their experience with your product or the outcome of your service.

Special Guests

Mix it up a bit by inviting other professionals in your field to contribute. Ask them to write their own post or do an interview.

Contests and Giveaways

Hold a contest with your readers for a prize. Or just give away a prize related to your business to a lucky random winner.


Post a survey to find out more about your customers. Ask what they want to learn more about and make that your next topic.


Share a list of your favorite books, podcasts, products, etc. that relates to your business and that you think your customers could benefit from.

A blog can be a number of things. And you can always experiment to see what your readers respond to the most. If you're considering making this a part of your marketing strategy, we'd love to help you create an effective blog for your business. So contact us and let's take your blog to the next level!