Nov 15, 2022

Black Friday Sale Ideas

The Thanksgiving Season is upon us. And for many business owners the focus is less on the Thursday meal and more on the Friday sales. Black Friday or Cyber Monday can be a huge pivoting point in your business if you decide to take advantage of the opportunity. So if you need some ideas, here are 5 creative ways to attract business.

Use a Discount Code

If you sell online, a discount code can be a great way to drive traffic to your website. This code can be somewhere excessive to anyone or exclusive to those on your email list.

Include a Free Gift

Adding a special little something to your customer's purchase not only gives them more incentive to buy, but it lets them know you appreciate their business and might introduce them to a product they've not tried before.

Unveil a New Product

Got something new you want to draw attention to? This is a great opportunity to create some excitement around a new product and offer a special discount for the first lucky few!

Have a Different Sale Every Hour

To keep the momentum going throughout the day, try changing your deals every hour. This way the customers keep coming back to see what's being offered.

Offer Free Shipping

Another great idea for ecommerce. Shipping fees can often be what drives customers away from shopping online. So offering to cover that expense for a limited time can be a turning point.

If you're feeling motivated to launch a Black Friday or Cyber Monday campaign, we'd love to work with you, even on short notice. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation and let's take your sales to the next level!